Understanding How Play Therapy Can Help Your Family

Is my child old enough to benefit from Play Therapy?

Many parents ask, is it too early for my child to receive therapy? Fortunately the answer is no, it is never too early to seek help and support for your child. 

Child Therapy can begin as early as birth. In fact, early intervention can be powerful as children are still developing and their brains are malleable. Relationships formed in the early years of life are very important and create the foundation for social and emotional growth. 

Ann specializes in play therapy for babies, preschoolers, young children (birth to age 8) and their parents. In addition to providing therapeutic support directly with young children, Ann meets with parents to support their parenting journey. This can help them better understand their child’s unique needs and increase their “parenting toolbox”.  

Working with Ann, those who love and care for children are empowered to respond in new and helpful ways. She is gifted at translating the child’s language of play for parents and caregivers. As a result, life for the child and everyone in the family becomes easier, more fluid, less stressful and more playful.

Ann encourages parents to be involved in the play therapy process because as powerful as the time in the playroom is, true and lasting change occurs when parents are actively involved.

What is Play Therapy?

According to the Association for Play Therapy (APT), play therapy is a way of being with the child that honors their unique developmental level and looks for ways of helping in the “language” of the child – play. Young children express their feelings and worries through play, whereas adults talk through their feelings.

Play therapy is a powerful tool for helping children with emotional, behavioral and cognitive challenges. Through play therapy, children can make sense of their world, express their feelings, learn skills, develop problem-solving skills, feel empowered to change their behaviors and heal.

Parenting can be an enjoyable experience! AND it helps to know the territory and to speak the language.  Ann is an excellent guide and translator.

Where does Play Therapy take place?

Ann’s playroom is a safe and welcoming environment that contains a wide range of carefully selected toys, art supplies, books, sand tray and other materials that allow children to explore and express their feelings, thoughts and experiences. Through play therapy, your child and family will experience improved communication, increased understanding, and decreased stress in navigating the big emotions that come with early childhood.

Why bring my child to Play Therapy?

Parents and caregivers want things to feel better. They want their day-to-day experiences to be smoother, less stressful, more enjoyable, and to more easily connect with their child. And they want their child to be happy. Basically parents bring their children to play therapy to help little kids with big feelings.

You may seek child therapy for your child to help with life changes, grief/loss, illness of a loved one, new school, family move, divorce, trauma, attachment and relationships, toileting, anxiety, depression, emotional dysregulation, challenging behaviors, difficulty sleeping,and more.  

It’s important to note that you do not have to have a diagnosis to be in therapy. Ann offers play therapy to children who have diagnoses and those who do not.

If my child is struggling, does that mean I am a bad parent?

No. Parenting is a learning process that can include intensity and challenge. Possibly you have not parented before but certainly you have not parented this particular child before. You love your child and want to be a strong support to them. You want your child to be happy and thriving! You want things to be easier.

And let's face it, life is challenging, especially these days. Stress levels are higher than they ever have been. The world is changing quickly and parents are faced with pressures, concerns and challenges that are unprecedented. Getting and receiving support can be the central choice that makes a significant difference for your child and your family. Ann feels passionately about helping parents and children to build strong relationships by learning and growing together. She will partner with you to support you in becoming the “just right kind of parent” for your wonderful, unique child.

Please contact Ann to learn more about how Play Therapy at Metrowest Therapy could help you and your child.